The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Saturday, July 18, 2015

If one adult member of the family isn't working for any reason then no drinking alcohol for any member of the family 07 18 2015

If one adult member of the family isn't working for any reason then no drinking alcohol for any member of the family 07 18 2015

If a family member is part of Corporate management or Civil Service in the United States then no drinking alcohol for any member of the family.

Those who drink alcohol will never have more than the responsibility of a blue collar job; at best.

If we are going to apply drug testing to state sponsored welfare recipients then we also have to apply to state sponsored limited liability participants.  That might fall under a rule in the Constitution that it has to be that way.  Fair powers or something like that; equal treatment.

I believe all of the above are the best ideas for the United States.

No one wants to drive down the street and look at useless drinking alcohol on his porch.


I am not above banning all discharge of chemicals and pharmaceuticals that find their way into lake Michigan; including diabetes medicine.  It means you have to leave if you have it.

Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2015
Originally published on 07 18 2015 at:

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