The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Monday, March 9, 2015

Why do rich people want to have children anyway? 03 09 2015

Why do rich people want to have children anyway?  03 09 2015

They don't love people they love money instead.

They don't spend meaningful and constructive time with them.

The babies come straight out of the womb heathenized from alcohol; brain dead and mean because of it.

So why do they do it?  It is about competition; by making life harder for the rest of us!

It is about materiality; "She has one so I want one too!"

It is about experiencing life through the sense of careless immaturity again, taking them back to a time in their life that is the only place they belonged; never having a sense of accountability for actions.  Reinforcing bad behavior so that the adult doesn't feel out of place in our world.

So there it is.  I wrote it again.  Everything everyone hates to read.  You would think with all this negativity I would be unhappy?  No quite the opposite.  I like myself. I like myself for my ability to point out this stuff.  I like my ability to point out what is wrong and needs to change.

I would like to issue a survey to rich people.  "Why did you want to have children?"  The answers they gave would be a good lessen in reality.  How many of you believe that whatever some of those answers would be that you would be able to tell which ones are lies?  I do, I believe that I could read them and tell which ones were lies, the rich person either lying to themselves without knowing it or here is a new construct, lying to us without even knowing.  Which is worse on the pathological gradient lier scale?  Which comes first in the pathology, lying to oneself without knowing it or lying to everyone else without knowing it.  First one lies to themselves and then projects those lies to other people?  Or first one lies to other people out of shame for self and then believes those lies about self because of the delusion they were allowed to create for other people to believe.  The monkey thinks it convinced you of something so therefore it can hold onto that belief of itself, no matter what it may be. 

And d@mned if you won't get the cr@p beat out of you if you don't believe it about them so that they can believe it about themselves.  That isn't human nature is it!

Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2015
Originally published on 03 09 2015 at:

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