The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Sunday, March 8, 2015

What I learned from researching the name Sarah in the Bible 03 08 2015

What I learned from researching the name Sarah in the Bible 03 08 2015

Now most Sarah's that I have met in my life have been very warm hearted and beautiful people, except for one.

But I was researching something with regard to psychiatry as medical fraud when I stumbled across something with regard to Nazi Germany.  It stated that if a woman was of Jewish origin but not of the religion she was required to change her first name to Sarah, now perhaps that isn't exactly it.  But it is close enough for the purpose here.

So I wondered what significance the name Sarah has with being Jewish??  So I printed out that Bible search of the name Sarah and read through it last night.  And what I read was very very interesting.

It reads like a gypsy plan for invading countries and the wealthy.

Upon entering a town he reminds Sarah that she is very beautiful.  It appears as if she is being used as a tool, like a fem fatal.  To get close to a family, to be a mistress to a high ranking official and then supplant that official.

Now what if an American like that duo went to a foreign country and at first pretended the beautiful woman is interested in a rich man.  They say the man accompanied with her is really her brother or father.  Once inside the house after awhile they kill the fellow and assume the estate. 

Now that is how I read these passages of Sarah in Genesis and Tobit.

He actually has her change her name from Sarai to Sarah.  As if they are going on to another estate!  Now I would give you all the references exactly but that is time consuming and the voices hate sum certain documentation like that; but it is verifiable.

There is also evidence of Incest between Sarah and her father or brother.

First it states Sarah is really his wife then he says she is really his sister.  And apparently vice versa.

But while researching Sarah in the Bible I learned of men that were named Ox!  So yes yes indeed I have been validated when I said that when they were sacrificing Ox or Oxen it really meant they were killing people!  And there was likely some cannibalism there too! 

But what else?  Here is the worst part of it!  It also states in those references to Sarah in the Bible that they took human slaves and sacrificed them in order to replenish their own lives!  So here indeed we have the first documented evidence of what I have termed the Revenant Race!  Right there in the Bible!

What does it also say about Sarah?  That they were only allowed to marry family members!!!  What we know from scientific evidence is that incest creates mental retardation.

But they were only allowed to marry family members to keep the money in the same family of mental retards?  Well that makes sense doesn't it because after awhile of that you wouldn't be able to fairly earn any because you were retarded and you would have to therefore keep the money in the family.

Now how does this relate to Corporate America and Pro Life?

Ever work for a Corporation and it was like the only purpose of you being there was so that the mentally defective could drain the life from  you?  I believe that is what our Financial Industry is today. 

But what do we know about pro life leading to children being adopted and abused in foster homes and by adoptive parents?  Can you prove those parents are not part of that same Revenant Race described in the Bible?

And how about drugs and alcohol?  So a man and a woman party it up in college and their livers are shot, and she is likely sterile from being double or triple dipped.  What do they want to do next?  Adopt children in order to drain the live from them?  It makes the kids mean too, if they survive and the cycle repeats itself doesn't it.

But I wonder how many have used that game plan to visit foreign countries posing as brother and sister or father and daughter or ... and offering the woman to the rich man, whereby once after awhile he is dead from perhaps something very quick like Fentinal (sp?) 

Ever talk to a lawyer about family structures?  They are very shifty.  And the first thing you will notice is that they use the method of not matter what you claim there is something flawed about it.  What are they getting at?  I believe they don't want  you to know how wealth is transferred in the above scheme.  Again when you see those initial defensive layers form you should immediately know there are other layers they are desperately attempting to protect.

And in those passages of Sarah there is also something about Sarah and someone being in the bed and then the parents leave the room like they were watching.  Ever go to a Nordic persons house and see that they have living room chairs around the big bed in the parents bedroom.  Like there is watching and learning going on in there or something?

And there is also references to Sarah crying in the bedroom, but that perhaps is taken out of context.

Now I know what you want to say, you went to all the trouble to read those references to Sarah and none of what I say holds up.  That is what you say about everything and a common defense of yours, so I really don't care.  I know they hold up and I am not mentally retarded.

Also those references in my very Bible reference a Book of Moses.  There is no title Book of Moses on the index of my Bible.  Isn't that very odd?  There has to be some ambiguous cause there.  When you read those first few chapters of the Bible it is as if some of the Covenants (contracts) mentioned later in the Bible are not there!  What you read concerning Covenants is to vague other than to mean anything but satanic occult interpretation?  Why change the name from The Book of Moses to something else?  Why?  It doesn't make any sense.  Was it because he ritualistically sacrificed two of the sons of Aaron?  What we have learned is that the lineage of Aaron has a completely different male DNA than that of Adam (where we were told we all come from.)  As a person who hears voices we need to have well guarded scientific researchers making harmless studies on how cognition is based on DNA.

And the slave owning Confederate south was full of inbreeding; and they were mean!  That was an insurrection we put down.  But look at how it was done by Union General Grant?  In that same Revenant manner of taking slaves and replenishing your revenant lives by killing them.  His alibi was that if he created a lot of Union casualties the war would be over quicker?

There is also a very interesting reference to removing the scales from the eye's of someone associated with Sarah.  And indeed it states for them to be able to see with their own eyes and therefore consciousness again; perhaps a modern translation of the Bible is needed?  The Roman's were said to use certain poisons in a scheme to draw men to them too, Belladonna.  So here we have a unified theory containing the two?

Also she is said to have had a child when she was 90 sum years old.  That means that somehow that wasn't her child but one from a family they.....

Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2015
Originally published on 03 08 2015 at:


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