The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Raise the Price of Cars so Americans can't afford to buy them and then loan them the money to buy cars from you

Raise the Price of Cars so Americans can't afford to buy them and then loan them the money to buy cars from you.

But wait a minute, after I just wrote that I started to surf the internet.  And what did I see?  This next site which shows 17 mind blowing places where cars were made but just put in enormous parking lots because they didn't sell.  In some cases 570,000 of them.

What that would seem to mean is that there is an inventory writedown coming?  Or was the write down taken already?  We paid for those cars didn't we!

But look at the financial shenanigans that preceded this.  There was the mortgage crisis where many lost their homes.  But also the Big three automakers went bankrupt and were bailed out by the U.S. Gov (you and me) because of pension liabilities.

Are they going to do the right thing and flood the market to sell these cars?  Perhaps give one to every homeless person?  Or are they going to scrap them?  Think of all the waste involved.  All the energy gone!  All the pollution created.

Quite a few of those car lots are located in England!  Did they indeed also precipitate the problem in the U.S. Auto industry through the title of this article?  Did they intent to flood the United States Car market after their management infiltration sank it?

Do you remember when the price of cars seemed to meaninglessly spike from $3,000 to $40,000 while the quality didn't go up?

We need to disempower what causes this so that the earth, our living environment, isn't ruined.

Anyone remember how adamant Mitt Romney (English Surname) was that U.S. car companies were not to be bailed out?

Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2015
Originally published on 03 19 2015 at:


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