The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Monday, March 2, 2015

On Employment 03 02 2015

On Employment   03 02 2015

Oh don't see how you could ever force an Employer to hire a handicapped person.

How many of us adults are expected to have the patience for that?

How can you expect an employer to ever hire a user of any drugs including alcohol?  They are a certain danger to yourself and your business.

How could you ever expect an employer to hire a mentally retarded person or someone that was born mentally defective?

The point is that they are not EQUAL!  Sure they wanted to say oh they have something they are good at in some way and everyone is needed.  But it just isn't true and it hides the problem of mental birth defects from drug use!  It evades that problem!  And in doing so it is a threat to our Democracy.

And when I think about the Queen of England what do I think?  That alcohol, tobacco and drugs stunts someone's growth!  And if they are causing a physical abnormality the odds are very high a brain abnormality is present too!

Absent drug use I believe we would all be tall.  My father was short and I ended up tall even though I started my growth spurts later in life than others.

The biggest risk to black people world wide is that a child is born with a genetic defect such and Down's Syndrome and completely wipes them out in Genocide. Napoleon was short and vowed to kill every black person on earth.  Hitler was short and idolized Napoleon.  How tall was Oliver Cromwell I ask.

He was 6 feet all according to this.  And also a descendent of HaldeneCromwell?  There was a medicine George Bush was on called Haldol?

But the point is you might not want to keep all those birth defective babies, including the ones with stunted growth if they in turn will likely become genocidal dictators?  If you were subject to Napoleons Army or Hitler in WWII I don't see how you could ever be pro life!  I have always thought this way with regard to runts of drinking parents;  the pro life movement is anti freedom!

So what can stunt your child's growth?  It might be something as simple as a Insurance Salesmen little league coach holding a cigarette near his face while his is  on the little league team.

Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2015
Originally published on 03 02 2015 at:


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