The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Commentary on “They don't go into prison gay but they come out of it gay.” 03 04 2015

Commentary on “They don't go into prison gay but they come out of it gay.” 03 04 2015

This black man's (Ben Carson) logic doesn't make any sense. Hypothetically what if he ended up in prison; is he saying he would chose homosexuality?

It might be more of an issue of genetic expression due to sodomy. If the aids virus can transmit lack of human immunity perhaps the semen of gay men can also destroy gender identity by causing a serotonin regulating gene to become defective.

But his point brings up another issue. Isn't that cruel and unusual punishment to put a man in prison where he is likely to become a homosexual? I am a man and I think so; a woman or a homosexual would not however would they.

As cruel and unusual punishment it is illegal per the Constitution. How can you not say giving a male the sexual identity of a woman is not cruel and unusual punishment.

We hear of a lot of murders in prison. Are you attempting to tell us that we cannot use deadly force to prevent ourselves from being raped? That we cannot use deadly force to prevent ourselves from becoming effeminated? Our current leadership is so stupid you would swear that they were a lesser species.

Only the influence of something horrible with a female type mind would do that to you. And I have heard stories of prison guards sodomizing prisoners. Perhaps it is like Cosby raping women; they don't even know it happened because they were drugged. And could there be certain megalomaniac men in prison who believe they are doing prisoners a favor by attempting to pass on better genes through anal insemination? A psychotic form of ownership or slavery?

If you ever see a certain type of round the way woman look at the empty space above her forehead and crouch forward as she is trying to think you realize that there is occult witchcraft involved in sodomy.  She is looking for images of the Holy Spirit (Semen of humans) just as the blind are said to see?

You clear up the issue of men becoming effeminated and violence in prison when you give the death penalty to the one who sodomizes other males.

Sign my petition if you want to clean up this country.
Ben Carson would be in their raping white men turning them gay and saying it was their choice?

There is recent evidence that mice which exhibit homosexual behavior have a defective serotonin regulation gene.  The gene can be said to be the achieve or steal gene?  So in effect the criminal mind in many causes might be equivalent of the homosexual mind because of the same defective serotonin regulating gene?  Semen passes the human immunity virus perhaps loss of sexual identity is also part of semen "transcription?"

Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2015
Originally published on 03 04 2015 at:

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