The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

2.4ghz Wireless Technology and the Fertility of the Negro Race compared to that White Race 11 11 2014 Updated

2.4ghz Wireless Technology and the Fertility of the Negro Race compared to that White Race 11 11 2014

1.  All of those technologies, wireless phones, Internet and even your microwave oven are at 2.4 gigahertz.

2. Those EMF waves are traveling through our homes, airwaves etc.  If you sit by a wireless router you might notice you have aches that you didn't have before?

3.  Microwaves have a dehydrating function, therefore they do affect body tissues including sperm and ovum.

4. ? Black skin likely better absorbs them at the surface than does white skin!  Much the same reason the surface of the radar evading "wing" type planes are black!  It absorbs the radiation at the surface and therefore it doesn't penetrate the sex organs?  If you don't believe me wear a black tank top!  You will find  you feel much healthier.

5.  The black minister Farrakhan (sp?) stated that the birth rate of the white race is declining.

6.  That wireless technology was first invented by England (magnetron generator) and then Japan (wireless routers in every home.)

I believe we have the justification to limit the reproduction of the none white races.  Why?  This country and the best Constitution in the world was founded by white men!  (not cannibalistic native Americans!)  Or illegal Mexican immigrants?

I believe that this is true.

Thomas Paul Murphy
Originally published on 11 11 2014 at:

Oddly enough the Irish Republican Army formed in part because a woman in Northern Ireland had about a dozen kids that proved to be a problem!  Ireland and the IRA lost that one!

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