The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Barrack Obama could easily prove how their has been an energy policy conspiracy by having electricity producing solar panels

Barrack Obama could easily prove how their has been an energy policy conspiracy by having solar electricity producing solar panels installed on the roofs of one home in every poor black community!  That home would not have to pay for electricity!  And how many people use their homes during the day when they are at their jobs?  Those homes then produce excess electricity whereby every homeowner is their own electric utility!

Most people don't get the oil, banking, electricity war conspiracy.  The Utilities run on fossil fuels (natural gas), money from utilities income feeds the interest and dividend payments of the wealthy, though the fixed income banking instruments!  Take that away with solar electricity and it is a completely level playing field; essentially it is freedom!  The way it stands now is that the bravest American Sons lose their lives in order to support the silver spoon Wilson Syndrome wealthy children not having to work!

Copyright 2014 Thomas Paul Murphy
Originally published on 10 14 2014 at:

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