The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, April 26, 2024

Foreign 4 26 2024

 'The desire to take the world backwards by getting ahead of those who take the world forwards."

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Humor: A good name for a novel or a movie would be 04 26 2024

  A good name for a novel or a movie would be:

"Billy Goat Drunk and Crotch Logic"

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Republicans and the Birth Rate 04 26 2024

 So Republicans say that the national birthrate is low.  I am not going to go into the science of how much plastic we have in our bodies and whether that has anything to do with it.

Instead I am going to say this.  Give that daughter absolutely everything and what does she care about finding a good man?  She is happy because she has been given everything.  Doesn't want a man because materiality is more important to her and fills her immediate needs more than a relationship she is going to have to act like a mature adult in.

Are such Republican daughters wealthy like that?  I think so.  Has it lead to other trends in identity?  I think so too.

So spoiled that they don't even know the most important things in life?  Am I talking about career women?

So you can see how equal rights for women in the workplace really amount to a delusion for what their life should be?  I mean they are abandoning the idea of having children?  If you wanted a better world to have children in, to bring children in to, can you even articulate what that would mean?  I don't think you are on that level of understanding of life.  I don't think you can see the world from that point of view.  I don't think the male figures in your life provided a good example to you either.  At best created odd delusions and beliefs instead of righteous truths?

And nor should the good options be limited, with regard to that.  Nor should the bad options be supported and fostered.  But that is what you do.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy


 So what I have been seeing on the news media recently is complete deceit with regard to your Constitutional Rights!

The phrasing will start out like this, "The Constitution was never meant to be applied to..."

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Public Auto Insurance 04 26 2024

So Canada has it.  Do they pay less than we do for private car insurance in the United States?  I don't know.  Worth finding out and may take some digging.

But I like the idea of Public Auto Insurance.

Why?  Because at least I know that the money is going somewhere good?

But with Public Auto Insurance I believe that there is room whereby the bad drivers have to pay more?  Why should good drivers have to pay more for bad drivers?

I also believe that if Public were created the citizen could declare that they do not drink alcohol and therefore get a bargain discount rate!  There is nothing in the Constitution that says we have to level everything to the rights of the alcoholic.  There is nothing that says we have to stoop in fairness to the life of an alcoholic.

And I believe that Medicare gov health insurance works really well.  Now, I know there are abuses and abuses are allowed to be fostered perhaps for lack of resources to prosecute.  But I think it is a fair system!  I mean good God, look at it.  It protects the American left and right from usury in the form of exorbitant health care bills!  Who would want to do away with that?  A bumbling fool?

With private insurance to me the gestalt of it is that you are paying a private business, often owned by an individual for your right to own and drive a car?  What right do they have to be in that equation?  Why should they be allowed to have their foot in there?  


Paying private individuals for your rights that is diverging from a democracy and constitutional rights.  And we see it where they want to make gun owners have insurance too!

Do you know what would scare the living daylights out of the Republican Party?  If you had a Democratic leader who was pro gun rights come along!  It would tell you who really has been putting forth machinations to limit your gun rights all along; Republicans!


I think they set up these private insurance businesses and it is akin to them just collecting money on the meter?  You get older and you see who owns the lake home and you start to ask yourself, wtf is going on here?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Of All the Lies Donald Trump ever told 4 24 24

 Of all the lies Donald Trump ever told I don't believe I ever heard him say, "I am as honest as Abe!"

But here is how he would say it,

"I am as honest as Abe! I am ever more honest than Abe!  He...."

© 2024 Thomas Murphy