The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Of All the Lies Donald Trump ever told 4 24 24

 Of all the lies Donald Trump ever told I don't believe I ever heard him say, "I am as honest as Abe!"

But here is how he would say it,

"I am as honest as Abe! I am ever more honest than Abe!  He...."

© 2024 Thomas Murphy

Catch and Kill 04 24 2024

 That National Enquirer had an agreement with Trump.

Among other things, they made stuff up about his opponents.

Then Trump pretended to get his information from the Enquirer and said the stuff that they made up (for him.)

All the while during his Presidency claiming the the media was dishonest and created fake news!

The honest good person would have a lot of trouble believing it!  That somebody could be motivated so deceitfully in life.  We, the public, really don't want to believe that people can be that deceitful.  It is so disturbing that it is hard to handle.

I think that a lot of United States Citizens lives and careers were ended by variations of that Catch and Kill maneuver.

You know a young made would have a great career in Finance?  Catch them and somehow mysteriously have them hear voices?  Meanwhile someone who has people pay him so that they can rape young girls on his island rises to the top of Finance in the United States.

It is encouraging that we see these things come to light.  It means that there is hope for humanity, that the good do come through some times.  That the good can win.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Monday, April 22, 2024

Blow Mold 04 22 2024

 If they can blow mold aluminum cans by the billions how come they can blow mold small aluminum fishing lure boxes?

Or you don't even have to call them that.  Call them small organizational boxes?

How come they can't blow mold small organizational boxes?

Seriously, they have to make those aluminum cans for very little.

How much?  Apparently 12 to 25 cents per can?

I mean if it were to be directed how your products could be recycled?

All the bottles and cans in one months worth of a recyclables container?  Think about how many organizational boxes could be made out of that?  

I believe in a solar electric ark furnace whereby you could feed your cans or bottles into it and it would process them to boxes or whatever.

Think about all the plastic waste in the ocean?  The islands of floating bottles?

Somehow something is wrong.  Where is the conscience?  Who stole the human conscience? 

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

When Regulations amount to a barrier to entry in Business? 04 22 2024

 The hidden goal being to funnel money into established "profit centers?"  In order to keep a monopoly on who becomes rich?

I would say that violates the individual citizens rights?

Are business rights listed in the Constitution?

Yes, some are.  Fines are not to be excessive.

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

Sunday, April 21, 2024

An Atheist Is 4 21 2024

 "An atheist is someone who believes it is better to have a dinosaur on their side than God?"

© 2024 Thomas Murphy

Saturday, April 20, 2024

New World Laws 04 20 2024 Warning graphic content

 I see a lot of horrific things happening on the news.

I don't want to mention the cases.  And you know the thing about it is you can't speak about them in generic terms because you will know exactly who I am talking about.

But perhaps there should be Crime Against Humanity Laws that work their way into our legal system.  Such as:

If you are ugly and you ate people you mandatorily get the death penalty?  And perhaps you don't even have to be ugly to get the mandatory death penalty for doing that?

Can anyone honestly claim a consistent success rate at preventing recidivism?  

And perhaps there is a genetic test we can perform on you to determine if you ate people?

There is nothing to learn from the study of criminals like that.  If there were we would already accurately be able to prevent it.

So what does the lack of the death penalty mean?  I think it means this.  Why would you want to create a trend in the country whereby there is no death penalty?  Because you yourself engage in some kind of criminal behavior?

And what if every American where required to have an AR-15 or whatever the new German one is that our military has adopted?  See a man sees it this way.   Not that having a gun is dangerous.  But that those who don't trust themselves or their family to have guns and therefore you can't either, I find those are the dangerous people who erode a democracy.  I see that somehow in conjunction with the paragraph before this one.

Do I think someone born with mental retardation who is likely to have a conflict in some manner with normal I think they should have a gun?  No.  But why label the whole country as being comprised of that?  Because you made it that way?  Because that is the way you want it to be.

I will never forget what a hispanic woman said to me about the mentally retarded, every family has one?  I am not aware that my family did.  Are some peoples more responsible than that?  If so, shouldn't that type of peoples be what our country attempts to foster?

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy

© 2024 Thomas Paul Murphy